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Kelli's Kibbitz

Welcome to my kick-off post of Kelli’s Kibbitz. Cute name, huh?! I have been thinking about creating a blog for our website for a while now and it’s finally happening. Now I need to find some readers! I’m excited to have a forum where I can share various content pertaining to young families; JCC events and local happenings, best places for apple picking, yummy recipes to get your kids cooking with you, best family dog breeds, fun holiday crafts, top ten book lists for different aged children, ways to engage the whole family in Shabbat…to name but a few things.

As it feels every year, this summer has flown by. It always starts off nice and slowly, but as the weeks pass it gains momentum and before you know it, the summer is coming to an end and school is just on the horizon. I am happy to report that we had an extremely successful summer here at JCC Rockland camps. We had record numbers of children across the board, and once again we managed to provide our campers with a safe, fun place for them to experience the magic of camp. Whether you sent your children to camp or enjoyed having them at home (and then wished you had sent them!), or spent your summer traveling to different beachy destinations with your crew, I am sure that everyone enjoyed their few months break from school- children and parents alike. For a few months, we have a reprieve from homework (which inevitably becomes our homework at one point or another), from packing lunches, and from having to wear masks in a hot and stuffy classroom that was our reality this past spring. 

The summer has gone quickly, and in a few short days, a new school year begins. I find that most people fall into one of two categories at this time.

Either they are sad and already nostalgic for the lazy days of summer and the warm weather, begrudgingly heading into back to school time and the Fall season, or they are giddy with excitement at the promise of cooler weather soon, the disappearance of annoying mosquitoes and wasps, and excited to greet the upcoming school year, with the many new beginnings that each year brings. FYI, I fall into the latter category, mainly because I despise 90 plus temperatures, humidity, and sweating constantly! I am a cold weather girl through and through. Fall and winter can’t come soon enough. Don’t ask me how we lived in Florida for 20 years!

It’s not always easy to get our children back into school mode. Many kids spend the summer with lack of routine, later than usual bedtimes, getting a snack whenever they want (most teachers frown upon getting up during math and grabbing a handful of Cheez-its and a Capri Sun), and just the sheer chill vibe of the summer months. The following are great ways to help ease the kiddies (and ourselves) back into the school season.

Good luck to you all on your re-entry into the school world. May you all come out unscathed.

Thanks for reading!

Kelli 🙂

Update: Power has been restored and we will be open for normal operating hours tomorrow, June 20th. Thank you for your patience.