Oneg Sukkot with Moshe Katzburg

Gather in the sukkah for stories, blessings and song with Moshe Katzburg. Reserve your seat in the sukkah.

Fifty-Seven Fridays: Losing Our Daughter, Finding Our Way

A special evening with author Myra Sack Myra’s memoir honors her daughter Havi; transforming Friday night Shabbats into Birthday parties—“Shabbirthdays”—to replace the birthdays Havi will never have. ~Meaningful conversation with… Continue reading Fifty-Seven Fridays: Losing Our Daughter, Finding Our Way

Forever Young Concert

Books and Bagels • The Boy with the Star Tattoo with Talia Carter


Tzofim Friendship Caravan • Israeli Scouts Concert

Free and Open to Members and Public Registration Required For more information, contact Michelle Warsoff at or at 845 362-4400 x531