Lectures and Learning

Ignite your curiosity and enrich your mind with our Lectures and Learning program! Dive into fascinating topics led by experts, expand your world, unravel history, and gain fresh perspectives. Whether you’re passionate about culture, knowledge, or meaningful conversation, our programs are designed to inspire and engage. Join us and become part of a vibrant community of lifelong learners.

Lecture Series

Music Lectures with Clint Edwards

Great Performers Series

The popularity of Clint’s nostalgic, well-developed lectures keeps growing. These lectures are now on Monday mornings for the spring.
Attend one or all three.
Members $10 per Lecture | Public $15 per Lecture

April 28 – Edith Piaf

May 5 – Nat King Cole

May 12 – Peggy Lee

Books and Bagels

Enjoy a bagel and coffee while authors representing many genres and topics visit the JCC. Read the book in advance or wait to be inspired by the author.

Threadbare with Author, Jane Rubin

A button business, a unique garment company, anti-Semitic, Victorian values and a tenacious girl dominate this award-winning work of historical fiction. Full of research and fast-paced sto­ry­telling, Thread­bare explores many crit­i­cal, ever-rel­e­vant issues, includ­ing pover­ty, reproductive freedom, women’s place at home and in the busi­ness world, immi­gra­tion, and the val­ue of com­mu­ni­ty. Book signing available. Bagels and coffee served.
Tuesday, June 10 at 11 AM
$12 Members • $20 Public

Samantha Woodruff presents The Trade Off and On Being Jewish Now

Samantha Woodruff discusses two books for this event. The Trade Off delves into the struggles of an immigrant from Odessa to make it on Wall Street in the 1920’s. On Being Jewish Now showcases a pow­er­ful anthol­o­gy of essays with con­tri­bu­tions from more than six­ty Jew­ish writ­ers as they face antisemitism.  Samantha Woodruff, also the author The Lobotomist’s Wife, returns to the JCC for an engaging discussion. Book signing available. Sponsored by Jewish Book Council.
Bagels served.
Friday, May 9 at 11 am AM
$12 Members • $20 Public


Barbara Lerche
Director of Adult Life
845-362-4400 ext. 179

Learn what the Chazen Center for Adult Life has for you