We Stand with Israel, today and always. Make a donation to Jewish Federation and Foundation of Rockland’s Israel Emergency Appeal here.
Kelli's Kibbitz

Hello my lovely readers! It’s been awhile since my last post. The holiday season is behind us, the new year is upon us, and Kelli’s Kibbitz is back with that charm and wit you’ve all grown so accustomed to! ?

In response to this entry’s title, yes. Yes I do want to build a snowman. And  have a snow day. And play in the snow. And cuddle up on the couch under a fleece blanket with my dogs (fine, my husband and kids too!), having  a good snow day movie marathon. Yes to all of it! We’re due for a good blizzard or two (or five) as we’re approaching February. SNOW IS THE BEST!!! Again, I know not all of you will agree with this sentiment, but I know I have a bunch of winter loving folks out there who share my affinity for old man winter and all that comes with this “warm”, cozy, and all around best season. I can hear my mother saying “you’re nuts”. This is coming from the woman who lives in Delray Beach, who was telling me last week that it was, and I quote, “bitter cold” there. It was 60. ?

So, how does your family spend a snow day? Once they’ve received those five magical words that are music to EVERY kid’s ears, “you have a snow day”, what comes next in your house? As long as we’re on the topic, kids today have it so easy when it comes to finding out whether or not school is cancelled. Usually a quick and painless email or phone call from the school, oftentimes the night before. They will never know the agony and anticipation we all went through to hear some of the best words ever uttered in the English language.

Forget the phone and obviously email, we had to tune into WRKL. That’s right, WRKL. Remember that station? On, gasp, AM radio! What even is that? I remember waking my mom up to tune into that station on her clock radio, as we’d wait with bated breath to find out if the snow gods were shining down on us that day. And forget it, that was the equivalent of winning the lottery if they announced your school district was closed over the staticy airwaves of AM radio.

Anyway, I digress. How does your family enjoy a snow day? What activities do your kids like to do on these extra special days? Playing outside only lasts so long. Chances are, you may be looking for some different types of fun ways to engage the kiddies. I found a fantastic and thorough list of ideas of different activities to do on a snow day. How much fun does “snow ice cream” sound to make? Or creating a cozy and comfy fort to watch a movie inside of? Let me know if you try any of these activities. I’d love to feature you in my next post. Send me some pics at kellik@jccrockland.org.

On a separate note, next month is Heart Healthy month. The JCC will be celebrating this important concept the last week in February. There will be various fitness challenges in the gym, a special note board for our members and staff to share what they do to keep their hearts healthy, fun giveaways, wear RED day, a contest and more. Be sure to follow both of our pages on Facebook (JCC Rockland & Families Rock at JCC Rockland) and our instagram pages (JCCRockland & JCC_Rockland_camps) for all of the fun happenings at the J!

March 6th at JCC Rockland

I am also so excited to share with you that we will be having an AMAZING Purim Palooza event on March 6. This outdoor event will be here at the J and will feature kids’ musician and funster Matty Roxx performing live. Come in your favorite costumes! The kids will enjoy fun crafts, delicious hamantaschen, Shalach manot basket making, and more. Don’t miss this awesome Purim event! Register here

Wishing you all a snowy, fun, cozy, and healthy winter!

See you soon!

Kelli 🙂

Update: Power has been restored and we will be open for normal operating hours tomorrow, June 20th. Thank you for your patience.